An Independent Practice

Should You Make a Change At All?
Our advisors' investment process incorporates a thorough review of a prospective client's existing assets, investment experience, risk tolerances, time frames, tax and estate planning strategies and investment goals. However, what is most important for us is to determine what is most important for that particular client. Only then does the process of customized portfolio construction begin.
I believe less-experienced competitors may make assumptions in this regard that could end up being detrimental to their clients in the long run. We believe, these assumptions and subsequent solutions should be measured by a stringent fiduciary standard.
In many cases, our analysis has led us to determine that a particular client has an existing portfolio that is well-allocated to meet their specific goals. So should they consider making a change at all? We believe that if the client's portfolio includes actively managed accounts where they are incurring multiple levels of fees or if the portfolio is rebalancing using a non-quantitative method, the answer is yes.
Lower Your Fees, Not Your Expectations
We believe you should not have to pay more than you need to in fees to achieve your objectives. If you are a client of another firm, do you know all the fees you are paying and what you're getting for them? When was the last time you did the math?