An Independent Practice

What We Do
The complexities involved with effectively managing defined contribution plans have increased drastically over the last several decades. Plan sponsors have been tasked with the responsibility of selecting a vendor, creating an investment policy statement, monitoring the investments, periodically benchmarking plan provider fees, and documenting each step of the process to ensure they fulfilled their fiduciary charges. Many of our clients also express concern about ensuring their employees receive attention at an individual level to adequately plan for their own retirement. Those plan sponsors who are aware of these duties often feel overwhelmed; those who aren't overwhelmed often don't understand the full scope of their responsibilities.
Our goal is to help plan sponsors manage their plans more effectively by assisting with fiduciary process education, vendor management, participant engagement and investment search and recommendation. As an independent advisor, our interests are aligned with you and your plan's beneficiaries—no proprietary investment or administrative products are utilized. This allows us to focus on the needs and responsibilities of fiduciaries for the benefit of the plan as a whole.
Our team implements a range of comprehensive services designed specifically to address the many demands placed on retirement plan sponsors that are divided into three levels:
- Participant level services
- Plan level investment services
- Vendor management
By utilizing these three levels of contact, Alignment Financial Group operates as a complete partner to plan sponsors and participants. Please contact us for a complimentary and independent benchmark review of your plan and to learn more about how we can offer considerations to potentially improve your plan's effectiveness.